
Showing posts from October, 2020


  A True Act Of Self Love Set Me Free. So many of my fellow writers’ stories here were inspirational to me through the process of making my dreams come true so, first of all, thank you for your stories! I remember so many times they would uplift me when I was down and now I feel blessed to pass on the torch. For many years I searched for a soulmate and I had a longing for companionship. Compared to my peers in their mid 20’s, I felt like I was different in that sense because everyone else was having fun being single. It used to really bother me that no matter how I tried, I could not bring Mr. Right into my life. I read many books, watched lots of videos on the Law of Attraction, participated in a forum, meditated, wrote in my journal, did affirmations, tried to visualize, put myself out there, you name it! Now I can fully understand that those techniques did work for me but that the result was not instantaneous, much to the dismay of our now-now-now generation! I also recognize the tu